Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Love Letter to A Man 25 Years My Senior

Meeting Bruce Campbell two weeks ago definitely was an awesome experience; granted it was some time ago, and I'm still buzzing about it. How often does anyone get the chance to meet someone they have admired throughout their childhood? The thought of it makes me giddy.  Although I didn't watch The Evil Dead until High School, (which scared me thoroughly) I was familiar with Campbell through Hercules and Xena, and I also confess to having a crush on Autocalyus.

Campbell's character's have always been quirky, humorous, and charming; one thing I had not realized is how much of his true personality actually shines through his roles, which only makes me more curious about what he's like in his day to day life.

It was a great experience which I will always cherish. The trip itself was wonderful! 

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