Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Two Views on Mass Media

Mass media has contributed far more to society than most people are aware.  Media can provide for social outlets as well as providing a means for expression for individuals.  Media has also provided visual and audio entertainment, news on national and local events, and provide information on products and services by way of advertisements.
             Levels of media can not completely be categorized into standalone units as various components build upon one another to create a complete experience.  as much as the media is overlooked and taken for granted, society would not be able to function without some form of media presence in their lives.
             First thing in the morning people wake up to their clock radios and immediately they are bombarded by a combination of useless talk show banter, music, commercials, weather and traffic reports.  One gains so much information while standing in front of their mirror one-two hours while getting ready for work.  Information on how one should dress for the day can easily be gained from the weather report, the route one should take when heading out to work can be obtained from the traffic report, and so on. 
             The subtle effects of advertising can can also be seen in commercials.  Actors may be dressed in trendy clothing and dependent upon the target audience,  the actors may also speak using slang.  Advertizements serve as an educational tool for new products and services as well as providing the benefits of said items.  In doe cases ads have contributed slightly more to the general media by providing a catch phrase such as "Where's the beef? or "Time to make the donuts."  At times commercials may be attributed to shopping frenzies due to the popularity of a product such as the Cabbage patch doll, Tickle Me Elmo, or Furby. 
             Music has also shaped trends such as clothing, hair styles, and make up.  Fans often try to emulate their favorite celebrities.  The ability to express one's self plays a huge factor as clothing is rarely regarded as a simple garnet by consumers, but an extension of who one ir or who one perceives one's self to be.
             Generally speaking, it would be very difficult for a person to survive any aspect of their lives without the media being present.  In order to lead a media free life one would basically have to take up a hermit like existence in order to avoid hearing or seeing any advertisements.  One would also be avoiding exposure to film and music. 
             Essentially it would be impossible for society as a whole to survive without mass media because it makes up a very large part of our daily lives.  The important its of media such as educational shows; just as much as the entertainment are located everywhere throughout one's daily activities.

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